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The Brown Anthology, Language

Author: Various

Editor: Sofia Amina

Genre: Fiction, Short Stories, Anthology

Publisher: 10:10 Press

Year: 2020

Format: Ebook / Paperback

Blurb: A poem about the poet undefeated by the overbearing stereotypes.

The story about a grandma with her blue shoes matching her blue sari, lost in the जंगल (jangal).

Not to forget Urdu preventing the poet from abandoning her courtyards.

The Brown Anthology series is about historical, present and future Brown, without the need or prerequisite to explain, justify or create art to suit the perception of Brown. The first theme is language and it features poems, short stories, an essay and illustrations by South Asian writers and artists from India, Pakistan, the UK and the USA.

The contributors are Arundhathi Subramaniam, Farhana Khalique, Sonya Hundal, Priyam Jancosko, Meena Kandasamy, Rashi Rajguru, Leela Soma, Surya Vaidyanathan, Arji Manuelpillai, Mani Rao, Amna Naeem, K. Devan, Shyama Kuver, Misha Faryal and Rukmini Bhaya Nair.

The writers and illustrators have taken the theme of language and replied with work which is beautiful, courageous and heartfelt. As individual pieces they are beautiful, and collectively they throw a mighty punch.

The anthology is in English. The languages featured in the title pages are Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu. The languages used by the contributors are English, Hindi, Tamil and Urdu. A translation and transliteration section is included.

This is a declaration to push the boundaries of literature.

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