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The A-Z Guide to Arranged Marriage

Author: Rekha Waheed

Genre: Fiction

Publisher: New Generation Publishing

Blurb: Maya Malik is a 28-year-old single lonely aging Asian girl who wants a gorgeous husband and a grand ostentatious wedding. For a professional Bengali, her biggest fear isn't being overlooked for promotion. It's the realisation that she has to find a husband from a diminishing stock of eligible bachelors that consists of mommy's boys, coconut go-getters, and bendhoo bicharas. To join the league of the married, Maya endures family introductions, blind dates, with Internet meetings in a journey that takes her from London to New York to Dhaka, and then back to London again. And when close friend Jhanghir Rahman announces his sudden wedding, Maya realises that with love, life and marriage, a girl can use old world traditions, and new world savvy to get exactly what she wants. The A-Z Guide to Arranged Marriages celebrates the realities of an age-old tradition for the new generation. From bastard bridegrooms, interfering auntijhis's to wedding weepers, follow Maya's charming roller coaster ride through singledom and the arranged marriage process.



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